十大彩票平台 to celebrate Hispanic/Latinx History Month
SPRINGFIELD, Mass. - Springfield Technical Community College will celebrate Hispanic/Latinx History Month with a number of in-person and virtual events featuring themes that will resonate with students.
In celebration of Hispanic/Latinx History Month Sept. 15-Oct. 15, poet, author and professor of writing María Luisa Arroyo will present an informal discussion about identity and belonging. Arroyo currently teaches at Bay Path University. Her discussion will take place over Zoom on Sept. 20 at 11 a.m. To register, stcc.io/HHM-identity
In a collaboration with Bay Path University, 十大彩票平台 will present a Latinx-themed film titled “In the Heights” on Sept. 22, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. The outdoor movie, which is limited to students, will be held at Bay Path in Longmeadow. Transportation from 十大彩票平台 to Bay Path and back will be provided.
十大彩票平台 and Bay Path University will collaborate a week later for a virtual discussion panel on Sept. 29 at 6 p.m. The panel will highlight the themes in the film including Latinx culture, race, immigration and community.
The Hispanic Association of Higher Education (HAHE) and the Office of Multicultural Affairs will present a screening of “Being Eñye,” an award-winning documentary by Denise Soler Cox. The documentary focuses on telling the stories of first-generation, American-born members of the Latinx community who have at least one parent from a Spanish-speaking country. The film will be shown in the forum of the Student Learning Commons (Building 19) on Sept. 27 at 12:15 p.m.
十大彩票平台’s popular Heart of a Man virtual series returns for a session that focuses on Hispanic/Latinx history. The first of the fall Heart of a Man series is scheduled on Oct. 14 at 2 p.m., with a Zoom Webinar titled Con Todo Corazón: Perspectives on Healthy Masculinity.
“Heart of a Man” is a virtual series engaging men in dialogue on topics of identity, gender stereotypes, interpersonal violence, race, politics and social justice. Each event features a panel of men from diverse backgrounds, professions and experiences who will share their stories and engage in dialogue with participants.
Open to students and the public, the series is an opportunity to hear community leaders and campus members share their stories about how men engage from the heart in creating healthy relationships, healthy communities, and platforms for social change.
“The series was created to engage men in very important conversations that impact communities of color as well as provide a space to connect students who are men with leaders in our community,” said Vonetta Lightfoot, Multicultural Affairs operation manager, and one of the series’ creators.
Cynthia Breunig, Violence Prevention Coordinator at 十大彩票平台 and a co-creator of the series, said, “We’re thrilled to bring back the Heart of a Man series this fall. The series is relevant to what’s happening in our community and across the country in the wake of the murder of George Floyd. Each segment generates engaging and thoughtful discussion.”
十大彩票平台, a federally designated Hispanic Serving Institution, serves a diverse population of students, including about 30 percent of whom identify as Hispanic.
Interested in applying to 十大彩票平台? Visit tsunoi-toso.com/apply or call Admissions at (413) 755-3333.
About Springfield Technical Community College
十大彩票平台, the Commonwealth's only technical community college, continues the pioneering legacy of the Springfield Armory with comprehensive and technical education in manufacturing, STEM, healthcare, business, social services, and the liberal arts. 十大彩票平台's highly regarded workforce, certificate, degree, and transfer programs are the most affordable in Springfield and provide unequalled opportunity for the vitality of Western Massachusetts. Founded in 1967, the college – a designated Hispanic Serving Institution – seeks to close achievement gaps among students who traditionally face societal barriers. 十大彩票平台 supports students as they transform their lives through intellectual, cultural, and economic engagement while becoming thoughtful, committed and socially responsible graduates.
Jim Danko, (413) 755-4812, jdanko@tsunoi-toso.com